Monday, May 28, 2012

  Hello again everyone, Larry Diamond here. Today we take a look at some of the more interesting "NICKNAMES",  in the ABL

Jose "COFFIN" Garcia-Los Angeles- Jose plays OF for the Evil Empire, he hasn't played much this season and his nickname fits him well, as it looks like he is buried in the depth charts of the Evil Empire, thus having a Nickname thats is very appropriate.. Seems like his COFFIN is waiting for him..
MICHAEL"WALRUS"BRYAN-Ann Arbor- By definition Walrus means,(a pinniped mammal, Odobenus rosmarus, of northern seas, having a tough thick skin, upper canine teeth enlarged as tusks, and coarse whiskers and feeding mainly on shellfish), well the nickname fits him nicely, as you had better have thick skin to carry that lofty ERA of 4.53
RAMIRO"STONY" ORTEGA-Carolina Crush- By definition stony means" Covered with or full of stones" what a fitting nickname as his ERA reveals a pitcher thats is getting ROCKED, with an inflated ERA of  10.13 having pitched 18 innings and given up 33 hits.
ALEX"PROWLER" MARTIN- Dallas Texans- By definition prowler means"
To roam through stealthily, as in search of prey or plunder- Alex martin has been on the prowl, collecting 13 saves and becoming a feared closer in the ABL.
WESLEY"SPARROW" OLIVER-Eureka-By definition, Sparrow means A small bird that is internationally recognized as a harbinger of good or bad luck, the sparrow is seen throughout literature and folklore as a sign of God'sbenevolence, an omen of death and a catcher of lost souls, and with an ERA of 4.98 Wesley hasn't had the best of luck, and if his ERA keeps rising it's an omen of death, and a trip to AAA
JUAN"CHUMP" FERNANDEZ-Jacksonville-By definition Chump means a stupid or foolish person, a dolt. Juan has been everything but stupid or foolish, in 8 starts he has a 2-3 record with an ERA of 2.61. No stupid guy here, as a matter of fact he seemed very smart his salary backs this up as his 5 year 85M contract suggests.

These are some of the unique Nicknames in the ABL
Until Next Time
Larry Diamond

1 comment:

  1. Nice article. Definitely had a few laughs with some of these.
